Maternity/Prenatal Care & Coaching $150 per session (in-office only no home visits)
Ordering & Reviewing labs and setting goals for improving health during pregnancy
Reviewing your diet with education on what to eat and why as well as how much of key nutrients you need daily.
Supplemental education what’s needed and why
blood pressure, fetal heart tones, fundal height, weight and urinalysis
weight setting and exercise goals
Counseling on how to avoid complication and if you are on the road to a complication we will lay out a plan to reverse or minimize it
Review all the research surrounding decisions new parents have to make, so your choices are well informed and you can explain your choices to hospital staff with ease
VBAC moms we will lay out the plan and prepare a binder so you are comfortable discussing your choices using the research and evidence. You will be confident in the decisions you make. I will teach you how to be heard and stand your ground
Education on hospital procedures and how to have your choices respected
The package includes calls on the day of labor as needed to ask questions
Preparation for the post partum period how to be ready with good support and key essentials
Education on getting off to a good breastfeeding start
Home birth with in-office prenatal care packages START at $5,000
This package is for women who want to birth at home and do NOT want to rotate through different providers as is the custom at a traditional practice. Everything in the maternity care & coaching package is standard in this package. Plus:
Birth in your home choice of water birth, tub and liner provided by Dar a Luz.
you will also receive 2 in home post partum visits after delivery of your baby Plus 2 in-office post partum visits.
Filing of the birth certificate and social security card
An invoice for your insurance company for reimbursement
No birth kit is needed for our services.
Concierge Home Birth services with in-home prenatal care.
Prices start at $6,500 and are based on travel distance
This package includes everything above Plus……
All prenatal visits in your home
All post partum visit in your home
Free birth class $225
This service is for women who have chosen to free birth. Everyone attending the birth should be in attendance at the free birth class we have a full work through session and drill.
Labor prep discussion
Review of supplies to gather before birth.
Emergency skills, warning signs to be aware of.
Herbs to have on hand.
How to obtain a birth certificate and social security card for your baby.
Women who take this class are eligible to come schedule a visit for post delivery check up ($150 in office only)
It is recommended that free birth mamas drop in for a few visit during the pregnancy. See the services in the maternity and coaching section.
Vaginal Birth after Cesarean (VBAC) Virtual Consult with plan of care $75
This service includes a personalized class on VBAC with statistics and what you need to do to have a successful VBAC. This service also includes a review of your previous births, a services resource list, a review of options based on your personal situation, and help putting together a plan of action.